Aromatics (lactone)

in wine and sparkling wines

Lactones are aromatic substances in the wine. These substances are not only located in wine Grapes, it is also located in several fruit varieties. In the “Riesling” wine, these compounds are responsible for fruity aroma like peach. Alongside the natural lactones come from grapes or wines, these compounds are also indicator substances of artificial flavour. Therefore, determination of lactones is able to be an indicator for illegal addition of artificial flavour. Furthermore, carry-over of aroma can be proved through this analysis.

  • Method
  • Limit of detection
  • naturally content
  • Reason for analysis
  • GC-MS/MS;
  • 0,10 µg/l to 1,0 µg/l
  • in small contents
  • proof of addition of artificial aroma